CHC53315 Diploma of Mental Health

Elevate your Mental Health career

Learn to implement & create a person-centred approach to mental health

Fees & Funding
Funding available
Fee for service: $6,500

12-24 Months (pending previous qualification completion)
+ 160 Hours of Work Placement
Study mode
Queensland & South Australia
Your industry career prospects
Of graduates were satisfied with their training
Of graduates experienced an improvement in their work status
Median wage

Course information

The Diploma of Mental Health course has been designed to reflect the role of mental health workers who provide self-directed, recovery-oriented support to those affected by mental illness and psychiatric disability. It also elevates career possibilities, allowing individuals to take on leadership roles. 

This course will allow graduates to create and implement community-based programs and activities focusing on mental health, mental illness and psychiatric disability.

Your career opportunities
  • Mental Health Worker
  • Case Manager
  • Community Rehabilitation and Support Worker
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs Worker
  • Mental Health Outreach Worker



'Nationally Recognised Training logo'
Entry Requirements

Entry requirements for the course include:

  • Completion of grade 10-12 or equivalent
  • Demonstrate a satisfactory level of Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) abilities.
  • Must be able to obtain a federal police check
  • Students require a mandatory influenza vaccine and may also need a COVID-19 vaccine to begin work placement.
Course Duration

Course Duration:

  • Class attendance is scheduled for all units over a period of 12 pending previous completion of CHC43315 Certificate IV in Mental Health & 24 months if the student has no prior qualification.
  • Vocational placement is conducted over a 160 hour period (this is scheduled and planned with the student employer and vocational placement officer).



Course units
Core Units

CHCADV005 Provide systems advocacy services

CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety

CHCMHS002 Establish self-directed recovery relationships

CHCMHS003 Provide recovery oriented mental health services

CHCMHS004 Work collaboratively with the care network and other services

CHCMHS005 Provide services to people with co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drugs issues

CHCMHS009 Provide early intervention, health prevention, and promotion programs

CHCMHS010 Implement recovery oriented approaches to complexity

CHCMHS011 Assess and promote social, emotional and physical wellbeing

CHCMHS012 Provide support to develop wellness plans and advanced directives

CHCMHS013 Implement trauma informed care

CHCPOL003 Research and apply evidence to practice

CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice

HLTWHS004 Manage work health and safety

Elective Units

CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support

CHCAOD006 – Provide interventions for people with alcohol and other drug issues

HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems

CHCMHS007 Work effectively in trauma-informed care

CHCMHS008 Promote and facilitate self-advocacy

Fees & Funding

National – Fee for Service: $6,500

If you’d like to find out about our payment plans, please contact one of our friendly Learning Consultants


Skills SA:

Funded Concession: $451.50 Concession

Funded Non-Concession: $903 Non-Concession

National – Fee for Service: $6,500

If you’d like to find out about our payment plans, please contact one of our friendly Learning Consultants

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