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Acquire advanced skills and knowledge to make a significant impact on the lives of individuals and communities, empowering positive change and meaningful support
This Certificate IV in Community Services has been designed for students wishing to gain employment in the community services industry. Graduates will be able to design and deliver person-centred services to individuals, groups and/or communities.
After the completion of this course, graduates may work autonomously within established parameters. They may be required to supervise and lead other staff in projects or teams. Work may take place in a range of contexts, such as community service, casework or case management. With graduates providing support, advocacy or interventions across a range of services.
CHCADV001 Facilitate the Interests and Rights of Clients
CHCCOM002 Use Communication to Build Relationships
CHCDFV001 Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People
CHCLEG001 Work Legally and Ethically
CHCPRP001 Develop and Maintain Networks and Collaborative Partnerships
HLTWHS002 Follow Safe Work Practices for Client Care
CHCCCS020 Respond effectively to barriers of concern
CHCCCS003 Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide
CHCCCS017 Develop strategies for unmet needs
CHCCCS019 Recognise and respond to crisis situations
CHCCCS014 Provide brief interventions
CHCCCS006 Facilitate individual service planning and delivery
CHCCCS009 Facilitate responsible behaviour
HLTWHS006 Manage personal stressors at work
Higher Skills:
Funded Concession: $50
Funded Non-Concession: $100
Nation Fee for Service – $3,950
If you’d like to find out about our payment plans, please get in touch with one of our friendly Learning Consultants.
Funding Eligibility Criteria:
Skills SA:
Funded Concession: $470
Funded Non-Concession: $940
Nation Fee for Service – $3,950
If you’d like to find out about our payment plans, please get in touch with one of our friendly Learning Consultants.
Funding Eligibility Criteria: