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Note: CHC33015 has been updated to CHC33021 Certificate III Individual Support
For those who are passionate about caring for others and improving the quality of life for those with additional needs due to disability or ageing, Celtic Training has designed a course for you.
Specialisations and Real-World Simulations
With the option of either a disability or aged care specialisation, our Certificate 3 in Individual Support offers graduates the skills and knowledge required to be work-ready in their chosen field. Unlike other providers, Celtic Training has facilities that allow students to immerse themselves in the world of caregivers. With real work environment simulations, students get to practice lifting, bathing and much more in real-life environments before beginning their work placements.
Flexible Options: Full-Time and Part-Time Courses
The course is offered for both full-time and part-time students. Full-time students will have 13 weeks of in-class learning at our Brisbane campus, while part-time students will take part in 20 weeks of classroom learning at the same CBD campus. This time will allow students to become confident in their skills and abilities while in the safety of a classroom environment before embarking on 120 hours of guaranteed work placement.
Gaining Valuable Experience through Work Placements
Work experience placements are designed for students to put into practice everything they have learned during their time in the classroom, while also gaining invaluable experience in the workforce. Placements ensure graduates are not only work ready but are attractive hires for potential employers.
Enrol in the Certificate 3 in Individual support and find out what the Care Industry has in store for you.